
this can mean latin king killa/ latin king killer...used by gangs that arent affiliated with them....its like a diss
Yo man that vice lord's a lkk.
by x_][D_ ][_ ][V][_ ][D_x May 12, 2005
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Taiwan Internet slang for someone who just doesn't know what's up.
stands for Lao Koukou (an old timer)
th4t1guy=LKK ;-)
by Ben H September 17, 2003
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Cool, German Clan with many members and own server

by KingHomer July 11, 2003
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LKKS stands for the names of 4 beautiful young ladys. You can tell this group anything. The guys certainly love these girls. The LKKS is the best, the smartest, the most beautiful group I have ever heard of.
boy 1: you know that group lkks
boy 2: duh who doesn't

boy 1: I know right ima ask one of them on a date
boy 2: hey I was going to
boy 1: hahaha
by Sashathegreat November 8, 2019
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