overall a very nice caring and loving person who always cares for other people and is very sweet and cute has a very great personality
person 1: look how cute my bf kysten is!
person 2: aww you two are so cute!
by totallynot_cxllie March 12, 2021
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One of the most beautiful smart and sweet girls you’ll prob ever meet. Has a crazy big brain (amongst other things:)). She’s definitely one of a kind and smiles one of those crazy smiles that you wish you could see every second of every day:) Can’t get too much better than her.
Some random guy “Hey you know that chick Kysten?”

The other guy

Some random guy
“Dude I love her smile and hair and eyes and teeth and skin, Dude she’s great”
by The Man - November 22, 2021
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