When a smoking pipe's contents have been reduced to complete ash it is said to be kayed.
Shit's kayed dawg.
by Tony Ross February 14, 2009
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When typically a chick reply's to you with k
"Man I tried apologizing a hundred times but I just got kayed in response, what a bitch!" Said Jake
by b33r_p0ng_n1gga December 26, 2017
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When two drag queens hook up.
Did you see Mimi and Cece after the show last night? I think there was some kai kai going on behind the scenes!
by xstevenprocess June 3, 2009
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When two or more drag queens have engage in intercourse. This can be done in or out of drag.
Gurl, Trade came over last night with eyebrows arched for the Godz. I had to send him home cause I don't Kai Kai.
by Crystal Mess March 22, 2016
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kay kay is what a little kid may call their elder when shortening names like katelyn, kristen, kathleen, etc.
little brother: " i love you kay kay"
me: " i love you too baby"

by KatelynnnnM January 26, 2009
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Kai is a handsome, loving, sweet kind, caring gentleman, and gentle isn't an exaggeration. Kai can be so sweet, cute, and his smile is just so amazing, that you might just drown in happiness while near him. Kai is the type of friend that you'd want to keep forever, and if you catch him as your boyfriend. Omg lucky you bish! He can be sassy at times, but that just makes him cuter. Kai usually likes to cuddle, be really cheesy, and he is just a total sweetheart, if you are in a relationship with him, you will never want to stop hugging him, he is very huggable and when he hugs you, you'll want to claim it as your new home. Kai always wants to make sure you're okay when something seems wrong, and if anyone did anything to hurt you, he will make sure you're okay and then he would even go to teach the person who hurt you mentally or physically a lesson. You see. If you have a Kai in your life. It's sure to be great, because Kai will just brighten up your day.
Anon: "Hi. What's your name?"

Kai: "it's Kai."

Anon: "omg, you're mine now." *scoops Kai up in arms and runs away.* "MIIIIIINE."
by An Emo Ass Bitch December 7, 2018
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