A Dutch social networking site. Similar to Facebook and myspace, just not as over the top.

The people who use hyves.net are any combination of the following:

Dutch wannabes
Dude1: OMG! Did you get that email from hyves that said it's almost Freddy's birthday?

Dude2: Yeah, I totally did. But I knew her birthday is coming soon anyway. I'm don't just sit around and mess with hyves too much.

Dude1: Yeah, I know what you mean. You log on, you log off, without all the mess and time waste of facebook!

Dude2: And that's why hyves rocks my socks!
by K. Schulten March 16, 2009
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Crab lice, also called pubic lice, (singular, louse) commonly called "crabs" due to their resemblance to a crab, are one of three kinds of human lice in the large group of lice families.
Did you know he's got hyves.
Often used in comedy series and movies.
by John Vanholland October 18, 2007
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A dutch social-networking site. Used by all those who want to act cool. Often people upload there most gangster pictures to it. It is not a place to meet new people, yet to contact your friends that are too lazy to get on MSN.
Person A: Hey, do you have hyves?
Person B: No, I just use MSN.

by Misteh April 26, 2009
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"Chocolate is hyvee, especially when it's used for fondues"
by BEYOND awesome September 22, 2009
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Not so delicious knockoff of Kraft Mac and Cheese. Consists of fluorescent orange cheese and subpar taste. Synonymous with anything substandard.
"How'd you do on your test"
"Man, I failed it like Hyvee Mac and Cheese"
by KraftLover4Life March 12, 2009
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a retarded kid who works at hyvee and bags groceries and always hits on my sister. my sister--- emily b
OMG the retard kid at hyvee waved to me again today.
by blink fanatic March 11, 2005
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