Gamer talk. o is sometimes replaced with a zero (Hax0r). An "S" can be added on to the word.

1. Haxors: Hack/Hacked
2. Haxors:Hacker/hackers
1. "I had to Hax0rs my way into his site."
2. "OMFG you guys are Hax0rs!!!!"
by micro339 July 14, 2008
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one who has defeated you at a game in an embarresing way WITHOUT cheating
oh sanp....i got knifed..

by Taddeo March 21, 2007
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1)A word to name the "leet", or should I say "1337" wannabes of the internet.
Usually meaning something along the lines of: An unauthorized user or individual who attempts to or gains access to an information system, or some information-related data.

2)Also hackers. There are really three main types of hackers, although you don't really hear about them. These are the black hat, white hat, and... well... the haxor.
some guy: dUDE I"M sooooooo a L##T HAX0r>>>>> i JUSt haxed like frikin diabl0 stof.
other guy: Yeah.. meh too.

Hacker1: Hey.. wana go hack into the pentagon and leave a message saying 'kilroy was here'?
Hacker2: No thanks, I just did that last night. How about we go out for a sandwitch and some CHIPS.
Hacker1: Maybe later, let me just update my server, I think I might be v. updates behind.
by Plumberry June 1, 2005
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To hax0r with the highest amount of skill and ability.
To be highly skilled at playing a video game.
To cheat at a video game.
omg another headshot... I just got hax0red to the max0r.
by makia September 9, 2004
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