someone of high status, or is/has prestige and adjective of compliment
that peacocks feathers are so foir

that man has a martini, he is so foir
by Madabel January 15, 2017
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A common term used to describe fire engines, when using a Cornish accent. I love the Cornish. Anyhoo, this is also a way to taste the drunkness of a friend, by seeing how many 'gin' sounds are added on the end.
Stan: Are you drunk, Jimmy?
Jimmy: I don't know.
Stan: Say 'foire engin'.
Jimmy: Foire engin-gin-gin-gin-gin-gin-gin.
Stan: Drunk fool.
by Stephen W. Thomas May 6, 2005
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Foir is short for the creator of the multiverse’s name: Four Integer Cipher
“Foir why the fuck did you do that”
by Squidward final wars November 7, 2023
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