
Portuguese word for "fuck" in its interjection form. (Brasilians use it as well, since they speak Portuguese.)
Joao: Foda-se!
Pedro: Que e' que foi?
Joao: Caguei-me todo... Foda-se!!!

Joao: Fuck!
Pedro: What happened?
Joao: I've just shat myself... Fuck!!!
by the_goblin August 5, 2007
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Portuguese slang word used to:
#1 send someone to hell in pure hate
#2 express a terrible moment that just happened to yourself
#3 used between friends to express a moment of joy

It's main used in Portugal and Brazil although part of the Portuguese dictionary of all the CPLP (Community of Portuguese Language Countries).
Example #1:
Portuguese - "É pá, foda-se para ti também."
English - "Dude, fuck you too."

Example #2:
Portuguese - "Foda-se para esta merda! Peidei-me e caguei as cuecas!"
English - "Fuck this shit! I farted and I shat my pants!"

Example #3:
Portuguese - "Foda-se, ganhaste a lotaria e não dizias nada? És mesmo um sortudo do caralho."
English - "Seriously, you won the lottery and you were keeping it only for yourself? You're indeed a lucky bastard."
by Ninja das Caldas November 17, 2016
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'i don´t give a damn' in Brazil
1: Eu gosto de sorvete.
2: Foda-se

1: I like ice cream
2: I don´t give a damn or fuck (in this case)
by O Cara November 30, 2009
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Eu te odeio! Foda-se!! = I hate you! Fuck you!
by PaollaBrazil September 28, 2007
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Foda-se this man

Fuck, Foda-se
by vrea September 11, 2019
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I am hungry I need some foda-se

I am foda-sing with my parents at lunch.

I would like to foda-se a pumpkin pie right now
by laserx October 8, 2019
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