A text message received on your phone from someone you don't know, that is directed at a friend of yours who does not own a cell phone.
Hey dude, I gots a figlet here on my phone for you
by RubberDucky1234567890 February 17, 2011
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A word you call a gay midget with a huge nose
"My buddy almost got into it with a figlet"
by NotTheGuy April 6, 2017
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When A Skinny Person And a Fat Person Fuck, They Make A Ball Like Baby That Only Way Of Moving Is To ROLL! Particularily A Boy
Person 1:Hey Did You See There Baby?
Person 2: Yeah It Was A Total Figlet!
Persons 1 And 2: Hahahaha
by Cheese Head1234 June 12, 2011
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A name that a young child might give to a penis. Derived from the term 'tigler'.
Child: 'hey dad, is that your figlet?'
by DogTits August 21, 2013
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A command used in Linux to generate ASCII art

figlet /fontname yourtexthere
type figlet for font list
Steve: how do you make acsii art
Alex just go into your Linux terminal and type in “figlet (your text here)”

Steve: What the fuck is Linux
Alex: ok then just go to telehack.com and do the same thing
by YourLocalAsian September 4, 2022
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the term figlet derived from a gay baby black pig, it is a hybrid of a niglet (black baby pig)and a faggot (typically a gay member of a community). Nowadays, a figlet can be used to describe a nerd feature or a general neek that may inhabit your local area.
Lool dem man der move like some figlets una. My man is fulla gas. Bare clappings pending...
by GZino2Raw June 9, 2020
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