A ficticious holiday created by writers of the TV show Seinfeld. It was created by George's father, Frank Costanza. The holiday is suppose to be an alternative to Christmas, Hanukka and other more widely celebrated holidays. With this in mind the catch phrase "A Festivous for the rest of us!" was created. Festivous is celebrated symbolically with a plain steel pole called the Festivous Pole and games such as the Feats of Strength are played. Traditionally the Festivous celebration is not over until George pins his father in a Feats of Strength wrestling match.
by dobodob December 10, 2005
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To have a festival, celebrate, and/or party with great zeal and to an almost superfluous extent.

The word combines both festival and celebrate in order to describe a formerly unknown level of revelry. Instead of the normal levels of celebration, partying and festivities, this transcends popular convention to ascertain a deity-like level of merriment.

An occasion in which this occurs is known as a festivation.
1. Dude, my bro Josh is coming back from being in Afghanistan for, like, a year. We're throwing a huge festivation for him.

2. Yo, it's been a shitty week. I'm gonna hit the clubs and festivate so hard in there, I'll get kicked off the strip for life!
by randymcgr April 7, 2011
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To be extra festive, usually occurs during the holidays. Going all out in terms of trying for festivities.
Cynthia dressed festivative during Christmas time and she looked such adorb.
by Brochacho Kitten December 24, 2017
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fun events, such as a fair, festival, or circus.
Yea, they have the carnival downtown, so we're going to go enjoy the festivations.
by Rosyln Faulk November 18, 2007
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A festival is a music event, usually held outdoors and attended by thousands of music fans. Multiply artists play on usually multiple stages and on some occasions, these festivals last multiple days.
Music fan 1: Belgian festivals are always the greatest..
Music fan 2: Yeah I know, the bands are always so rad... I love it.
Music fan 3: Would you guys please shut up?! I'm trying to enjoy the atmosphere here!!
by Seya July 5, 2007
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A place where people trade rocks for drugs.
Guys at Camp Bisco Music Festival: That's a heady tourmaline dude, I'll give you a hit of L for it.
by B-Nugget September 29, 2013
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