Double pointed needles used for knitting in the round, i.e. socks.
After I went to my lys to get some dpn I went to our weekly Stitch 'n Bitch.
by E to the M March 8, 2005
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Dinner Plate Nipples, i.e. nipples that are so big that you could serve Hors d'oeuvre for fifty people on one of them.
Wow, dude, these Hors d'oeuvre look so well presented on your DPNs.
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Dinner Plate Nipples, i.e. nipples that are so big that you could serve Hors d'oeuvre for fifty people on one of them.
Geez, dude, these Hors d'oeuvre look so well presented on your DPNs.
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DePression Nap that long ass nap you take after you get done crying.
Friend:Girl where you been?
Me: I just woke up from a DPN
by Big banker February 18, 2018
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