the the word that tops motherfucking as an accentuation
this is cuntfucking bullshit!

i cuntfucking love you

cuntfucking cuntfuck it! what the fuck?!
by semengangster May 18, 2008
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1. noun, vulgar slang
A stronger form of both Cunt and Fuck, which seem to have lost all apparent offensiveness.

2. exclamation,
Sometimes exclaimed amid a nanosecond of immense pain/ displeasure, when the ability to choose either cunt or fuck individually is for some reason inhibited.
1. Shirley, you Cuntfuck, make me my dinner

2. Argh CuntFuck!
by Oliver Otway September 5, 2005
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Literally a fucking shit head that needs to grow up and become somewhat sensible, if that's possible for a cuntfuck.
Grant & Alison are cuntfucks. Huge, inconsiderate cuntfucks.
by "anorexic garbage" December 12, 2006
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one who fucks many a cunt
"so what do you do for a living?"
"i'm a cuntfucker"
"right... and what specifically does that entail?"
"well basically i fuck cunts all day long"
*hi five each other
by blackcherry November 26, 2004
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A somewhat jocular and ironic insult somewhat similar to 'cocksucker'.

Most often directed at heterosexual male friends, it subtly and ironically implies that as the target is clearly such a bender, that being accused of cuntfuckery (i.e. heterosexual intercourse) will likely be considered an insult.
A: "Oi, you spilled my drink. Watch what you're doing, you stupid cuntfucker!"
B: "What! How dare you call me that... Oh wait... You're right on both counts!"
by Wayner Wayne July 15, 2021
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A person who, much to the dismay of others, perpetually behaves as a cunt and a fuck at the same time.
I really dislike Jerry, he's a rather snobby cuntfuck, wouldn't you agree Rufus?
by iwabu666 May 18, 2005
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