Abhinaya is the sooo fucking fun and crazy. She can be your best friend or she can kill you with her stare. You can find her with long frizzy hair, teachers call her a rebel and she likes to swear a lot. If you find an Abhinaya, FRIEND HER or never experience true fear and/or happiness. She’s crazy, but super smart and pretty when she doesn’t make weird faces. You don’t come across a lot of people with her name so like it, she’s unique and someone like her is hard to find. You’ll find you telling her all your problems and looking for where she is..but seriously, don’t annoy her she’s SCARY 😂
Burphinaya, Abby, Abha, Abbanana , there so many nicknames for Abhinaya wtf
by MarsITSmaRiam November 21, 2019
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A very approachable, friendly, sexy girl who is fun, flirtacious, and intelligent. The perfect woman for any man.
Wow, that girl is such an abhinaya!
by Sf mitfdsxbj November 20, 2016
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The girl who is gorgeous in her own way.Don't avoid her ,cause you don't know how much you are going to suffer in future.she takes the world of your shoulders.
by Mandy102 July 11, 2022
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