bring order and organization to
A person whose duty is to provide quarters, provisions, storage, clothing, fuel, and transportation for a group of burners headed to burning man.
A person whose duty is to provide quarters, provisions, storage, clothing, fuel, and transportation for a group of burners headed to burning man.
by shadas May 5, 2011
Similar to jizzed or ejaculated it means to come in a volatile fashion usually due to an extremely magnificent outcome.
by Yazzington Razzlemaboo December 29, 2009
by Ciske November 3, 2003
by Jimmy Materbury December 8, 2006
by yazz! September 29, 2009
by lady1bugz October 27, 2009
An overboard, unprecidented spazz moment. Usually envoked by stress or tiredness, but mostly by unsurmountable self inflicted akwardness. Yazzing out is quickly followed by search for a cocktail of pills and/or a cocktail. Beware they can happen at any moment.
by I Love Car Bombs September 22, 2011