Being attracted to both men and women, but only when you are under the influence of Vyvanse, or other CNS stimulant/amphetamine drugs. It doesn’t matter what your sexual orientation is sober, anyone can be Vysexual if they are attracted to the sex that they aren’t usually attracted to while on Vyvanse. For example, both a gay man who is attracted to women while on Vyvanse, or a straight man who is attracted to men while on Vyvanse would both be considered Vysexual.

Medications such as Adderall or Vyvanse greatly increase your sex drive as well as lower inhibition which results in attraction towards those you wouldn’t normally be attracted to.
Example 1:

Me: Hey Dave, you’re gay right?

Dave: Yes sir.

Me: Well that girl Macy says she is pregnant with your kid, mind explaining that?

Dave: Oh yeah I was on Vyvanse, I am Vysexual. It means when I take Vyvanse I am attrac- wait, fucking seriously?

Example 2:

Hunter: I can’t believe you are actually down to hook up with me. I totally got straight vibes from you!

Ryan: Oh I am straight! I just took 140mg of Vyvanse earlier today though so I have a hankering for some bussy!

Hunter: Oh so you’re Vysexual! Nice *unzips pants*
by danasp_42 June 15, 2022
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