
Guessed, figured out, realized.
You being happy makes me happy, if you hadn't already twigged.
by J-Cass August 28, 2010
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Twig Twig

OMG, Have you seen that bitch stacey?! Shes such a twig twig.
by basictwigtwigcat August 22, 2014
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A small stick.

By extension of this, someone who is bone-thin, usually unattractively so, whether they are naturally that thin or not.

Usually accompanied by chicken legs and a lack of booty in both sexes, a lack of muscle tone in males, and a lack of breasts and hips and curves in females.

Also see Twiggy, legendary 1960s supermodel who idealized this androgynous, starving waif look.
"I'm not a twig and I refuse to be."
-Kate Winslet

This little twig is my granddaughter? Aren't you feeding her?! She looks like a swizzle stick!
by Lorelili November 17, 2009
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An unattractively skinny girl who has no curves, booty, or boobs.

Also a very skinny long boy without muscles.
That girl is a twig, doesn't she eat??

That twig disapears behind the light pole!
by the kool peep April 8, 2009
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Young kids or tweens who make out at McDonald's.
Those twigs must think McDonald's is romantic or something.
by DrunkIrishFloridian October 15, 2017
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Dude, i need my twig to gnar it up on the field.
by lsimms45 February 7, 2009
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another name for blunt, since a blunt is skinny, brown and looks in a form of a twig
"ima roll up a twig wid this ten sack"-mayne
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