Tesla last name of the world's greatest inventor, Nikola Tesla, with 1 200 patents to his name, a world record. Nikola Tesla changed the world by inventing A/C current, Radar, Robotics, Fluorescent light bulb, Radio, Rotating Electro Magnetic field, X-Ray and many more. You should read more about him.
by filip3311 January 19, 2010
A new age party drug that kids are taking at festivals, concerts etc. Contains a random concoction of drugs melted down into a typically blue pill. Always contains ectasy and some opiate but known to possible contain heroin, cocaine, meth, opium , morphine, angel dust and PCP.
Hey man, my I've gotta go to my little brothers high school graduation tonight want to come along and pop a tesla to make it more interesting?
by Urbanhippie567 May 25, 2015
by Stevewantsdiamonds May 17, 2021
by Shoguy32 June 2, 2021
1) a manufacturer of luxury electric vehicles (EVs), famed for their performance and autopilot capabilities
2) slang/informal term for a car from Tesla (Model S, Model 3, Model X, Model Y)
2) slang/informal term for a car from Tesla (Model S, Model 3, Model X, Model Y)
by icantthinkofausername777 February 27, 2020
by OvalRoadBellends July 27, 2017
1. Kickass rock band from the 80s who sang all kinds of music, from a remake of a song called "Signs" to hard rock such as "Cumin' atcha live"
2. A unit for magnetic field.
2. A unit for magnetic field.
by Crazyswordsman February 23, 2005