A.k.a. "balky bowel". Refers to where you remain sitting on da porcelain throne for a long time in an attempt to get "that last bit" to come out, but no dice... you're obliged to "pay a toll of toilet-paper" to progress any further, in that you hafta actually wipe yourself to get said "stubborn blob" to make its messy exit. But then, of course (and ONLY then --- again, you can have worked your sphincter muscles all you please, but the remaining poop still won't budge) you will discover that there are still some of Ollie North's "residuals" up inside your anus, and so you will hafta use even more of your precious costly Scott 1000-sheet roll to wipe repeatedly till you finally get it all out.
My butt-hole is unfortunately a chronic TP toll-booth, and so to save money, I use old recycled phone-books and other thin newspaper-type material to do my initial wiping after I go No. 2, and then only use toilet-paper to "finish up with".
by QuacksO May 25, 2019
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