T.D.S. is a little-known syndrome that manifests itself usually during online forum discussions of a political nature. While sharing the same initials as the famous "Trump Derangement Syndrome," it is loosely related to "Trump Derangement Syndrome" in that discussions regarding Trump end up being "deflected" to an unrelated topic, hence "Tim Deflection Syndrome." It can happen with any case at any time, though.
T.D.S or Tim Deflection Syndrome
Non-T.D.S or Tim Deflection Syndrome discussion flow -

Person A - "Did Trump say the election was rigged?"
Person B in response to Person A - "Yes, I believe Trump did say the election was rigged."

T.D.S or Tim Deflection Syndrome discussion flow -
Person A - "Did Trump say the election was rigged?"
Person B(inflicted with T.D.S. or Tim Deflection Syndrome) in response to Person A - "How about those Dodgers?!?"
by JChar!es March 5, 2022
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