by Peaceforus4ever August 1, 2017
"How long have you had that rash?"
"Oh about a Scaramucci"
"I broke up with her after a week and a half"
"Oh so you pulled a Scaramucci on her?"
"Oh about a Scaramucci"
"I broke up with her after a week and a half"
"Oh so you pulled a Scaramucci on her?"
by Eli91 July 31, 2017
He Scaramucci'ed his new job up by insulting his coworkers. His wife left him after he tweeted "thoughts and prayers" about his newborn son. And on the tenth day, he was fired.
by pundit17 August 1, 2017
by chiller_whale August 1, 2017
I'll see you in a scaramucci!
by Milkomedia August 1, 2017
by TotallyVindicated July 31, 2017
To start a job and use your first paycheck for a cocaine bender which results in a public rant against your boss only to lose said job within the 30-day trial period
by Ricey Potato August 1, 2017