A town down near the jersey shores filled with laxers, druggies, chads, and kids who have an entire floor to themselves. Every other white dad in rumson either works at Wall Street or somewhere else in the city. The parties are mostly some of the best that you will go to. For fun, upperclassmen will give the frosh boys water and tell then it’s vodka just to watch them make a fool of themselves acting drunk. Way too many people go to Brennan’s and it’s like six flags in a tiny room even though it kinda sucks. One of the few times you will see any Hispanic people in rumson is when they’re doing ur daddy’s lawn. Girls at rfh get G-wagons before they can even drive by themselves, and about 40% of the rfh parking lot is filled with Jeep wranglers. You’ll know you’re in rumson Nj when the football games are like college games, you can smell weed all the way down the street from parties and the freshman boys wear their football jerseys over their sweatshirt no matter their record.

-Freshman 23
Yeah dude I’m from rumson, my daddy bought my car for me when I was sixteen
by Rfhfroshboy69 October 23, 2019
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Best party town for highschools in Nj.
by Dawgpound December 7, 2010
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A town with one of the highest drug rates in all of NJ. Only topped by Newark, Camden, Asbury Park, and Irvington.
by dd corbin September 25, 2009
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a town in New Jersey where only the really rich and the white live. people there enjoy doing drugs and flaunting their wealth. everybody is stuck up and snobbish.
teacher: "where are you from"
student: "rumson"
teacher: "oh you must be really rich and annoying then"
by rumsonite November 9, 2009
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Street name for the infamous "Big Bad Boo" Olson
Rumson's finest is known for pissing in garbage cans and smoking unlit cigarrettes in cabs
by JJ Redington December 31, 2008
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A town where every single drug imported from New York City to the Jersey Shore eventually ends up.
Person #1: Hey man where are we gonna get some coke Person #2: Ha it's easy. Let's just hit up Rumson NJ and we can get it from anyone under 25.
Person #1: Yeah let's go!
by larry rocks September 24, 2009
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Rumson fair haven is a badass place to be educated, the students and faculty are absolutely reckless in the most incredibly positive way ever... It is the farthest thing from ethnically diverse in terms of the student body, and it rains money in rumson in particular. The diversity among the whites, however is definitiely apparent-- consisting in the form if ivy-league attending socialites, this year currently at around 15 attendees, to the waste-of-life students that are sent to reject states such as wyoming every year for rehab because of their psychotic, excessive drug use... Let us not, however, generalize... We can not possibly make the mistake of forgetting the band and color guards, and their pathetic attempts at what they call performances and entertainment. The audience is often conflicted with the.question of what is worse?? Boo-ing them off the beautifully turfed football field (here we go boiiiizzz) perhaps crushing their hearts, or even worse-- keeping quiet while they continue to embarrass themsleves with their out of tune tuba's and bizzarre uniforms that look more like halloween costumes..... Hahaha the football teamy took states this year, for the first time in HISTORY! We are legends!!!! Let's go dawgs!
by wherethefismyfriendmary December 22, 2010
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