If a song exists, there must also exist a trap remix of said song. Rule 91
Dude 1: "God I wish this song had a sick drum beat behind it."
Dude 2: "Hey man, Rule 90."
Dude 1: "Awesome."
by Intergalactic crackwhore July 9, 2020
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Adding the prefix man to anything to make it more masculine makes it more feminine.
Ryan: When are we going to the party?
Jimmy: In a sec, just let me get my manbag abd manscara.
Ryan: Dude, Rule 90. You're gay.
by Reconn March 14, 2009
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Trolls are always trolling. Trolls will troll in every sentence that they speak, or write.
Fred: I met this guy, he said he was a troll but he wasn't trolling me.
George: Rule #90 bro. Trolls always troll.
by dsggfj August 1, 2011
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Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.
When flipping a coin, take into account the 50-50-90 rule,most likely you'll be wrong.
by SonicWolf January 18, 2009
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Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right,there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.
Person 1: Did you hear about Teddy ?
Person 2: Yeah, he was screwed over by the 50-50-90 rule while trying to argue with his girlfriend.
by Bubble Juice September 10, 2009
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The rule of 90 is referring to the appropriate number of certain things you'd need if a civil or worldly crisis were to occur and you'd be put into a survival situation.
For instance if a zombie apocalypse were to occur through the rule of 90 you'd need food to last atleast 90 days, a fire arm with atleast 90 rounds of ammunition, water to last 90 days and a map which shows atleast 90 miles squared of the surrounding area.

Again if you survived a plain crash through the rule of 90 you'd need to find supplies to last 90 days, you'd wait by the crash sight for 90 days to be rescued, when setting up a shelter you'd set it no more than 90,000 metres away from the crash sight.

And so on
by 5mi1e5 August 5, 2014
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