The Name Risirielle comes from the German word "riesig", which means giant and also is connected to the English term rising.
There is a person in Anubriel Lunabrie´s L.O.C.G who´s name is Sander Shadowlight Goodheart Dilligence.

Her abilities are:
Special Ability 1: Group Teleportation
Special Ability 2: The power to create almost anything.
Special Ability 3: Advanced senses of hearing and smelling
Special Ability 4: Shapeshifting
Special Ability 5: Joy Aura
Special Ability 6: Talking with animals
Special Ability 7: Controlling Illusions and Hallucinations
Special Ability 8: Turning Giant

But she also possesses Super Strength, Super Speed, Super Armor, Super Regeneration, Flight Ability, Teleportation Skills and can live and breathe in space.
Risirielle can turn giant, when she wants to.
by Anubriel Lunabrie Shadowlight November 26, 2021
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