He is one of a kind, amazing, sweet, handsome, unique, nice, athletic, hard working, arrogant,never giving up, tender heart and eyes. Once you're with him the world closes around you and him and nothing matters. Once you're friends with one of them, it's extremely hard to let go because they're something else. No matter how many people you meet, he's unique ; there's not one person that can compare to him because he's extraordinary and a king . Don't take him for granted, he's one of a kind ; once you let him go another will be waiting to go for him so choose wisely.
I can't live without him, it's Reynaldo. He's one of a kind !!!
by Live life abby March 12, 2019
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hot, sexy, steamy latin lover, very exotic knows how to give his lady just what she needs. Very dominant in the bedroom and well endowed. Cool, calm, collected, suave. Name generally translated to mean ruler. Reynaldos usually can show you exactly why they were given this name.
Have you seen how all the girls just fall at Reynaldo's feet?
by kittycat13 February 10, 2010
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a funny ass cartoon made by a group called locoarts of argentina. it is about a muscled guy with a mustache, drives a red ferrari and is forced to kill people by a teddybear that likes them bad words.
run like hell if you see reynaldo or your done!!
by woodenstone July 18, 2006
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Overall just a super chill dude who does acid, plays videogames and skates.
"God damn that mf gets so many bad bitches"
"Yeah bruh that's Reynaldo for you"
by Skate_Skate_Levitate May 30, 2021
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Reynaldo could be a bully, a nice person, and someone annoying . He is practically a nice person but is usually annoying, Reynaldo is usually a bully but there are still a lot of nice Reynaldo’s in the world
by Name intelligence February 25, 2019
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Dude, did you hear how he treated her?

Yeah, he is such a Reynaldo
by Boredism68 May 5, 2019
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