money grubbing lazy woman wont work moves relitives in your house
My wife is being a queefie again.
by Ozzy May 20, 2003
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An adjective denoting anything overly soft and/or sentimental in a bad (often boring) way. A reference to vaginal flatulence (a "queef").
1. "My girlfriend made me watch Eat Pray Love, it was so queefy I fell asleep in the theater."

2. "I don't like the singer from that one indie/acoustic band you showed me, his voice always drops to a queefy whisper and the music is too slow."
by McQueefy December 31, 2011
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When you’re laughing so hard like a crazy person then you queef.
by i’m not egyptian February 27, 2019
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something that is bad, or in other terms... vagina fart like.
My car broke down today because it was a queefy peice of shit.
by whatarandomego June 20, 2006
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Derived from queef, queefy is used to describe people, actions, or places that are of questionable merit. The meaning of the word is very sensitive to its context, but it usually connotes something unappealing or trifling, but fundamentally harmless.

Similar to sketchy, but without the drug connotations.
That girl Jessi sure is queefy. She spent all morning just queefing around the house, and now she's being totally queefy about whether she has time to go out tonight or whether she needs to do work instead.
by Tom, NYC November 16, 2005
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Queefiness- When someone smells really bad.

Chaz really has a queefiness smell because he didn`t shower this morning.
by Sam Malone December 17, 2006
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A tower in which queefs occur
Lucas: you’re saying you kissed Roberta right here in this room?
Mike: and in the queefy tower
by Howmanybeesareonme December 30, 2017
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