The Pentagon, but with one less side ("quadr-" replacing "pent-"). Penned by The Onion in a censored joke following the September 11, 2001 attacks.
The Onion: "America Stronger Than Ever, Say Quadragon Officials"
by To All Things August 19, 2017
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The thingy you call a square when your high
a four sided shape is called a quadragon ahem no its a square
by hippolelelephant November 19, 2009
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A quadragon is a four-sided polygon. There are three words in English that mean the same thing: quadrangle, quadragon, and quadrilateral. Quadragon literally means four angles as does quadrangle. Quadrilateral literally means four sides. Some quadragons have special properties and special names: parallelograms, rectangles, rhombuses, squares, trapezoids, and kites, for example.
by DrumCorpsMom April 5, 2023
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