A New Zealand (NZ) military operation established to support the New Zealand governments response to Covid 19. The operation was formed when it was discovered that other NZ government departments were completely incompetent, and entirely incapable of doing anything other than cashing their absorbently high pay checks for doing very little. The NZ military then spent approximately 2 years repeatedly correcting the ineptitude of these government departments and guiding them step by step through the simplest of tasks to ensure the containment of Covid 19. This operation was done in conjunction with maintaining all other NZ military outputs, therefore creating significant fatigue of military personnel. This resulted in excessive attrition of service personnel whom were both frustrated with the governments maladroitness, and the militaries senior leadership for their inability to defend their personnel; and instead were only focused on furthering their own careers.
Mate: So what is Operation PROTECT?

Other Mate: So bullshit to bail out the incompetence of the government.
by ThatsNotMyRealName2 October 18, 2021
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A New Zealand (NZ) military operation established to support the New Zealand governments response to Covid 19. The operation was formed when it was discovered that other NZ government departments were completely incompetent, and entirely incapable of doing anything other than cashing their absorbently high pay checks for doing very little. The NZ military then spent approximately 2 years repeatedly correcting the ineptitude of these government departments and guiding them step by step through the simplest of tasks to ensure the containment of Covid 19. This operation was done in conjunction with maintaining all other NZ military outputs, therefore creating significant fatigue of military personnel. This resulted in excessive attrition of service personnel whom were both frustrated with the governments maladroitness, and the militaries senior leadership for their inability to defend their personnel; and instead were only focused on furthering their own careers.
Mate: So what is Operation PROTECT?

Other mate: The protection of the governments reputation, so everyone doesn't discover they're utterly incompetent and couldn't plan a piss up in a brewery.
by ThatsNotMyRealName2 October 18, 2021
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