Mohsen (Persian: محسن) is an Iranian given name for males. It is the Persian version of the Arabic name "Muhsin" which literally means a beneficent person (someone who does good). Muhsin is a Quranic name.
Hey Mohsen. How are you doin today?
by Nicolas M M April 18, 2009
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Mohsen is a sweet and kind hearted boy, who's also so beautiful. He loves eating watermelon, apples and pandas. His favorite snack are oreos, he's as yummy as an oreo thus gets called Oreo.
His beauty is so unbelievable that it can drive anyone crazy. His eyes are so big and shiny, just beautiful. His lips are so yummy and look so sweet. His beautiful hair is dark and smooth, matches his face so well.

Mohsen is the smartest one, he can learn anything by himself and he can even teach the teachers.
He may forget a lot of things (almost everything) , as to which it's a phenomenon called Mossin, but he always remembers everything that is truly important to him. If a Mohsen remembers you or something you've said, know you're very special.
The people who have a Mohsen are the luckiest ones. They would go to sleep and wake up happy everyday. They would know what the true meaning of happiness is. They would have someone who they would never get bored from, someone who could make them laugh even when everything is going wrong, and make you laugh out loud even when your dad is sleeping right next to you. Someone who protects them, someone loyal, someone who's always Onest. Basically, they would be living a dream.
You have a problem in your life? Get a Mohsen, a simple hi from him will make all your problems go away.

They say no one is perfect but the people who say that haven't met a Mohsen. Everyone should get himself a Mohsen. Mohsen is golden <3
Mohsen? That guy is the hottest!
Mohsen's girlfriend is the luckiest.
That Mohsen is so cute.
by q6wh September 13, 2019
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Mohsen. A word that has become synonymous with looking sexy/fine/hot.

Originally 'Mohsen' was a legend, a mythological creature that left women blinded by his beauty and sexiness.
compliment: Hey boy, you like Mohsen today.
by March 28, 2005
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A stereotype. A name often associated with Iranian taxi drivers who let the back portion of their hair grow out of proportion, style their facial hair in a way that could only be described as a pornstache and use compact discs (among other things) to decorate their rear view mirrors.
محسن! پشت مو رو بچسب به مولا
Roughly translated: Yo, Mohsen, check out the back portion of my hair! It puts horses to shame, now beat that, punk!
by IgneusMaeror September 23, 2009
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The person that controls everyone around him, powerful speaker, can make anyone fall in love with his charming personality, narcissists and like to be at the top, people with this name usually entrepreneurs or born with money and power.
He is Mohsen
by muhsen_1 November 24, 2021
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