Happy but a little sad. Also is a bit like a cat noise when said right.
Person 1. "how are you the day?"

Person 2. "mhmm am okay just a bit mieh"

As in I'm Okay but I could be better, or i'm Okay but I haven't been feeling too great.
by TJZone May 29, 2013
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Mieh ----------> :-\
by dip July 11, 2004
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The fluffy vague content of an excuse or reason not to do something. Guff more than grist. More used as a weak barrier to avoid something than a real rejection of the thing itself. Often said three times as in 'mieh mieh mieh'
So I tried to get with Kat the other day and she was giving me all that mieh mieh about how she's still not over Chad.
by Tasrata July 17, 2018
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