Lobbes is a good-looking guy, really handsome. Lobbes is the Dutch version of George Clooney
WOW.. he's such a Lobbes!
by Kalloudy January 8, 2017
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Sucks at hockey, has a chode,wacks off to gay porn
Lobb is so gay
by Big balls 12 34 February 15, 2016
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Splitting up your four fingers to shape a 'V' and moving the hand and fingers in and out of the anus and pussy in a rapid motion. Comes from Lobster, like with two pincers.
Similar to "Shock It", but with two fingers in both holes of the lower femal torso.
by surfkai September 10, 2004
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The clans have been lobbing nukes at that sphere for the past two weeks, and they haven't even scratched it.
by aspiringSatan November 28, 2016
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A word used commonly in the south west of England to define a long ginger haired boy, who likes music of the heavy metal variety.
by IMMENSE March 1, 2009
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A red-haired man often referred to as a forehead who gifts knowledge to children and loves to threaten and annoy the native people of Martin Luther King Jr.
Oh no that's A Mr Lobb if ive ever seen one guys RUN!
by Sir Long Legs The First November 19, 2019
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Uber Faggot otherwise known the twinkledouche of the Mexican Flamers Gay Bar.. Who enjoys innterracial anal sex stimulation in his sphinxter. Has a Tiny shwlong and enjoys licking his own gloryhole
Boy 1 : Man Is a faggot parade?
Boy 2 : Yea I hear their a buncha Derek Lobbs
Boy 1 : Wow, Thats Homo
by Anal Humphrey the 4th January 10, 2010
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