Stereotypical rich white kid town. Always loses to Bromfield at soccer. Thinks they are cool when they call themselves “l-town”.
“Littleton kids are too scared to go to Prospect during a storm
by soc26 June 25, 2018
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A stereotypical suburban town full of soccer moms and spoiled kids.
Every house looks the same in Littleton.
by J.Scott December 27, 2007
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A town in Colorado at the foot of the Rocky Mountains. Known to be the location of the infamous Columbine High School Shooting in 1999, one of the deadliest school shootings in American history.
Littleton's community stuck together after the massacre.
by PaleWeirdo November 26, 2018
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The best city ever... there is no possible debate here
Littleton needs no explaining
by Mr. Littleton March 5, 2011
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Littleton is a family name belonging to a supremely fascinating man, whose bloodline of Littletons has been passed on for centuries. They have a rich history in the military, in fact a few have been Inner-Circle Generals, be it in the Marine Corps or Army. If you are lucky enough to meet a Littleton, you most likely will not know that is his full name, as they usually go by "Tony". They are an honorable kind, though a dying breed. If you meet one, procreate with him and carry on his bloodline: you will not regret it.

When you find them in their casual state of "Tony"ism, they will likely be more humble, as like a ring of power, the name Littleton is hard to bear, but bear it they do, and many dragons, villains, and armies have been laid to rest by merely revealing the name.
Littletons, to ARMS!!!!

Gee, if only I knew Tony was a Littleton I would have never made him wrap it up!
by LT LIVES April 13, 2011
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1) immature; sophomoric. Usually a young kid.
2) A person lacking any real capacity for thought.
3) A midget.
"Give him a break, he's a littleton"
by SlappysHouseO'Pain August 16, 2007
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A sexual technique in which two men, one lying on his stomach and one lying on his back, face opposite directions, as earthworms do when they mate. They then sodomize each other at the same time, being careful not to squish each other's testicles. Named after Littleton because it was the preferred sexual position of Columbine killers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.
My legs are sore as hell today. Me and Todd gave each other the Littleton Earthworm last night!
by Charli XXX October 23, 2014
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