Understanding and acceptable. Usually a blonde if not then is as ditzy as a blonde. Lacks common sense but makes up for it in intelligence. Silly and or simple. Caring and evil at times. May occur all at once. Down to earth but very bourgeois at times. Bluntly honest to a point that it backfires on them. Parent-like and wise. Often has the title best friend or bestie. Motivated and ambitous. Is not an agist. Loves to not smile and sleep. Generally Lechelle's are all over the place.
I can't believe Lechelle told that 90 year old to step in the street.
by Rashera February 5, 2010
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Lechell is a gorgeous girl who is kind nice loving and ambitious when she sets her mind to something she doesn't give up she is funny and laughs a lot but is petty at times and is well known by everyone
Everyone wants to be a lechell
by Pooh.237wn January 26, 2017
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