The Butcher of Bengahzi
Killary left those men to die in Bengahzi
by Wolfe44mag August 24, 2016
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A made up name for Hillary Clinton by intolerant idiot Christian Republican sheeple because she supports abortions and a woman's right to choice which her a baby killer.
"Don't vote killary she wants to kill our babies."

"Killary is just another murderer of innocent lives"
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When something in a video game, mostly MMOs is hillarious and involves lots of killing.
Rofl, they kept comming at me but they were no match and all died trying it was killarious!
by Thebubbleboy March 18, 2008
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I nearly pissed myself laughing when I watched Superbad. It was absolutely killarious!
by Linhwin March 1, 2009
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something so funny, that you could die from it.
shit dude, when you blew up ur trailer, that was killarious!!
by bleh December 29, 2005
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Something so humourous that laughing becomes a danger to your life.

Signs of this may include severe choking due to lack of ability to breathe and rolling on the floor in an uncontrollable manner.
It was so killarious that he nearly suffocated!
by zktsuki April 19, 2010
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Killary Klinton is a nick name given to Hillary Clinton because she is such a unfeeling person that laughs at other people's death's and suffering .
Killary Klinton that guys is such a Killoay Klinton he just laughed at the pain of others
by redpillamerican July 19, 2021
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