A rare male name of the English language. Generally a stoner, if he were a dog he would drag his ass across a carpet.

Jamze took a hit of that gange!
by Jamze February 28, 2008
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Songs and music. Describes Hip hop, rap, R&B songs -- as on radio.
Radio Station plays the hottest jamz.
by Michael Hughes June 7, 2004
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A word that can replace "cool", "sick", and "ok".

That's jamz (for thats cool).
Jamz (by itself as a response to anyone statement)
Epic Jamz (something is really awesome)

Jamz can be added before or after any other slew of slang words and can mean whatever you want.
did not realize there was an extra box for examples
by gorditocrunch January 18, 2011
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When someone says they will do something, call out a No Jamz. This means they have "no balls" unless they do what they said they would. If they don't do it, you have to prove YOU have balls by doing it. And everybody wants testicles.
"Im gonna do a backflip off that roof over there."

"No Jamz!"

"Aww, shit."
by IgotJamz May 3, 2010
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Everything and anything fantastic; music that is particularly amazing
1. adj - Last night was the JAMZ!!

2. n - I want to listen to the jamz!
by Jamzilla Bean February 11, 2008
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Originating form an interview with Julia Fox about Uncut Gems, a 2019 American crime thriller film directed by Josh and Benny Safdie.

Taken by storm on TicTok due to the peculiar pronunciation of “uncut gems”.

Can also be written as: uncut jams, uncuht jhams, uhncuht jamnz.
What is a muse?

I mean, I was Josh Safdies’ muse when he wroteuncuht jamz
by JTJ97 February 26, 2022
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