Pronounciation: Hyuuk-(Hē-yūkk) {Plural: Hyuuks}
Noun: An extremely pleasurable form of oral intercourse (see: SlowBlow), in which the recipient has their soul exorcised from their body by the sheer force and suction of the same aforementioned oral pleasure. This often is accompanied by the deep, loud, wet popping sound of the soul and semen being removed from the body via the penis. This sometimes results in the skin being removed by the same previously mentioned suction.
Etomology: from Succ (Sûk), with influences from the Inuit languages.

First use A.D. 600, Inuit Holy Books.
Man that chick gave my the craziest Hyuuk last night, she sucked my shit into another dimension bro!
by Michael Welker August 7, 2018
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a swift middle eastern chop to the knee area
That iraqi basterd just gave me a katul hyuuk to the fuckin knee
by fresh water March 29, 2003
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