A Swedish last name that often describes someone who can live around the same people for many years yet never be able to join the community. A person named Häggmark is often very unlikable and awkward. They often try to compensate being alone by acting like they are above everyone else and no one is worth their time. Häggmarks have a tendency to buy expensive things they can't afford so they can look succesful to other families. Most of the words you hear coming from a Häggmark are negative, insulting or throwing shade.

On the other hand they are often very decisive, opiniated and determined. For some people these are seen as good qualities and for some very bad. Häggmarks are either extremely fit and good looking, or obese to an unhealthy degree. Never ever somewhere in between.

Always be cautious when befriending or engaging in a relationship with a Häggmark. It will most likely end quickly and badly or be the longest relationship/friendship in your life.
"Did you see the way that guy looked at us?"
"Yeah, typical Häggmark. Always on a high horse!"

"Who are those guys over there?"
"I don't know, they have been living here for 15 years but noone knows anything about them."
"Really? Sounds like a classic group of Häggmarks"

"How come your neighbour always comes home with like five shopping bags?"
"They are pure Häggmarks, likes to look expensive and fancy you know"
"Well, what does she do? Is she rich?"
"No, don't think so. She washes dishes at the restaurant in town."
by Blimpen July 27, 2018
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