Is a shy but nice girl. She always tends to make to friends and makes sure everybody fits in. She has a pretty smile and is sweet. She plays a musical instrument and is very smart.
OMG!! Guiselle is so nice.😝😱🍭
by Chem_Cat October 27, 2015
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She is a wonder full gorgeous beautiful girl and she is really nice and she likes volleyball and she has a beautiful voice and has a really good personality and has a gorgeous smile and she taken
Do you know Guiselle”

bruh she nice
by Daniel Gigi August 12, 2019
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A very sweet, beautiful girl with a great personality, she can be shy at first but once you get to know her she'll be fun to be around with. While in a relationship she is loyal but once she's single she loves to talk to guys with a great sense of humor. Her smile is what attracts guys the most.
Guy 1: Who is that girl with that beautiful smile?
Guy 2: That happens to be Guisel
by catlia July 24, 2012
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A person who really loves to have fun but can be a pain in the ass, is a friend who is there for anybody, always wipes their tears when they cry, loves to laugh alot, is very loyal in relationships but once she’s single she loves to talk to other guys, a person too never lose.
1. who is that beautiful girl smiling?
2. that my friend would be a guisel
by jsussnjddh July 24, 2018
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A girl who walks around trying to convince older people thr word Cunt us cool. But only gets strange looks. Also known as a Guisy or Jizzy
That girl is such a Guisel.
by seejizzyfarmer69 May 10, 2023
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