The act placing the tip of your member precisely in the nostril of your friend's soon to be girlfriend and "sending in the swimmers". Preferably performed in a public restroom.
I considered giving it to her in the eye, then I decided to go for the flonase
by BabeRuth July 2, 2003
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Right after an explosive orgasm, when the woman is in her dazed and flustered, head back relaxed state of mind, the male places his penis-tip up the girls nostril, and ejaculates.
I was bangin Stacey last night and it was pretty wild. When she came I had to sudden urge to give her The Flonase. We won't be hearing from her anymore.
by Billdude March 28, 2011
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The action of being blown and returning the favor by releasing jiz into the females face, causing loss of smell and taste.
My midnight flonase in her face helped clear my g/f's sinus problem.
by Austin September 12, 2004
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