She's the love of m'y life. That kind of girl that make your mind blowing when your with her. Thats my baie
by Napoleonche June 13, 2017
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She is a great person who once you get to know will always be there for you and will tell you exactly what you need to hear when u are feeling low. She is a girl with good looks and is always kind and caring no matter what.
Fatiha will always stick up for you and have your back
by Anonymous11Source August 14, 2017
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Greatest person on earth from so far. She is THAT girl you need to have in your life.
She will always be there for you and will always be lovely.
She is by far someone that can be proud of her.
When you're ready to die, Fatiha become a human defibrillator and save your life.
by Napoleoncheā™„ August 28, 2017
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I can tell u Fatiha is a wonderful amazing beautiful smart kind badass sassy savage funny funny funny amazing amazing cute kind girl
Person 1: do u like Fatiha

Person 2: yes she is a queen
by cutie danielle November 25, 2018
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Fatiha is a friend who loves one direction (harry styles specifically). They are really kind and a good listener. but if you do decide to become friends just prepare to hear a lot about harry styles and you'll most likely hear some cringy but funny knock knock jokes.
omg did you hear fatiha talking bout harry again

yeah ik shes so obsessed
by dandruffboyy November 15, 2019
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Fatiha is a most likely brown girl who is always trying to show off and thinks her sweaters are so pretty but they look really bad and we won't even talk about her earrings. She is also dramatic and overreacting hoe. But what is really important is that she is jealous of her crush's girl.
Fatiha just acts like that to get what she wants.
by TheActualDefiniton October 14, 2019
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