The most amazing person ever.She is beautiful and kind.She is loving and caring and is all ways their for you.
Faithe is so amazing.
by Kfforever February 2, 2017
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1.noun.Fay-Thuh.~also known as Jemus.."da bomb"
2.noun. cool, a llama
Faithe is like the coolest llama-lover on the planet earth.
by grr33n August 11, 2004
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The most peng person you will ever see. She is talented and has a massive ass. She defo isn’t a whore even though she gets about. She can be mean but she only does it to think she’s hard. People think she is scary but really she only cares about her family and friends and no one else.
Don’t be so complicated, quit being a faithe
by ozixuxyxgx October 30, 2020
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cold hearted.puts herself before others.doesnt care about her family/friends fellingz.evreybody kn owz her az a whore
Man quit being such a faithe
by emolover12345 April 4, 2010
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A substitute for religion created by Steve and Jake (not creators... those are religious figures.)

The premise of Faith no Faith is that you have no beliefs. That means that you dont believe in God, Jesus, Right, Wrong, anything. Nothing is true, but nothing is also not true.

Faith no Faith is the correct way of thinking.
stupid person1: yo, you christian?
smart person1: no, dat shit is stupid
stupid person2: yo, you jewish then?
smart person1: no, dat shit is stupid
stupid person3: then what are you?
smart person1: Faith no Faith
by faithNofaith October 6, 2007
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She is the sweetest girl you will ever meet. She reminds you of what God brings in your life, and have hope for what will be in the future. If you are dating her, you are in love because it is God given. People are only jealous of who she is due to how much grace and beauty she holds. She is a delicate rose, one that even an angel would love to show themselves in order to pick up this gorgeous flower. She brings joy from heaven and love from God. She let’s you know she won’t let you go. And she knows her man loves her. Truly a blessing. Don’t betray her, she won’t betray you. She is loyal and deserves only the best. If you are fake with her, she is real to you. She has God’s discernment, and her man will protect her;).
Someone: “If only I could have a real friend that is godly and kind...”
Another: “Well Faith is definitely a name that you find grace in, she is amazing!”
by JacksonT March 18, 2021
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