A cute man that is smart and has a very good personality and is a pretty open person and is known but isn’t popular
by Yes urn November 22, 2021
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Known as a complete and total badass, coolest people on earth. Usually chill af
Hey look, eziel is here, dude’s super cool, chill af.
by Meeere November 23, 2021
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A person named Eziel is a person who is always funny and helpful, they are usually smart but sometimes procrastinate on doing things, they always make it their goal to make you're day a good one
Eziel always makes their friends happy by telling jokes or comforting them.
by Hehapdiwowjsii November 24, 2021
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The most amazing man in the whole world. He is so handsome and loves taking care of others. He is caring and loving. He cares a lot for his significant other.
by Love is just amazing November 24, 2021
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