Drafterity is a super cool dude who is awesome at valorant. He also fought in the Taliban his best friend is Brett gamer and Jacob, Noah, and your mother
Person 1 "Woah is that Drafterity "

Person 2 "I think so man, SHEESH his but is bigger in person"

Jacob "He just makes me wanna become homosexual"
by Drafterity January 11, 2022
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A person who drafts drawings using either a computer (CAD) or pencil, pen and paper. Modern drafter(s) use computers and drafting software (Cad monkey). Drafters usually work under the direction of a designer or engineer. Drafters are expected to be experts at creating drawings.
An engineer would like to present an idea. He would request a drafter to create a drawing.
by Jean-Paul Lanaux October 21, 2007
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Fictional disease - similar to drafter’s disease - when you have the sudden urge to draft a part using either mechanical drafting or CAD Drafting but you are unable to because of your current circumstances.
1. Alright everyone thats lunchtime!
by maxxica January 24, 2022
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Drafters , as opposed to Prinks IE pre drinks (Drinks before you go out for the night) , Drafters is the Drinks after the night out Drinks after the night out =Drafters
lets go back to mine for Drafters after we finish in this Pub / Club
by Sanchy Drafter boy January 14, 2019
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n. Someone riding on your coattails. Sometimes to glory:; sometimes to prison.

Hey Rudy! Why are you such a drafter? Is it the money or the illusions of glory?
by gnostic3 December 4, 2019
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Fictional disease for when you get burned out from drafting too much and you don’t want to draft anymore. For some it can be cured, but for others it is permanent and they need to leave CAD Drafting.
1:Can you draft this part for me?
1:Damn, I can’t. I think I’m getting a case of Drafter’s Disease
by maxxica January 24, 2022
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when you walk behind a fat or large person in a crowded hallway that clears the ways for you so you can get through quckly and hassle free.
thank god i found a hall drafter or i wouldda been late for class yo!
by Jameses September 20, 2005
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