A beautiful girl inside and out. She is very rare and hard to find. If you once have this girl, don't Ever let her go. She so amazing girl and very forgiving. She is good dancer and many people love her. She struggles fitting in because no one really understand her. She very strong girl and a good friends. Dayang's are extremely smart and everyone's dream girl. If you find her dont ever let go. They are hard to find.
Woww...Look at gorgeous girl..she must be an Dayang
by Ugly girls. December 27, 2016
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Dayang is a beautiful girl. But there is one thing that has given a major drawbacks to her. She always copied others instead of doing it on her own. She envy everyone around her and copies other's goals. Dayang is insecure, and wanted to do what other people do she is a definition of a bandwagon. She always wants to steal the spotlight.

As a lover, Dayang is uncontrollable. Guy may find it hard to love her. But they will stay anyway.

Dayang does not have their own brands. They always copies other.

Dayang is fashionable but always insecure and thats bad.

She beautiful outside. Her biggest strength is her look and appearance, but not much on the brain.
I don't want to be like dayang

Dayang's fashion sense is beautiful

Do not be like a dayang who's only depends on their appearance instead of brain.
by Lurve December 28, 2017
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