noun. A hilariously broad and terrible leap in logic to a depressingly uncreative talking point.
His Cawthorn from vaccine distribution to confiscation of guns and Bibles immediately trended, to the ire of many.
by Abolition1312 July 9, 2021
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The act of sharing a video of you doing something idiotic or asinine, but thinking you came out of it looking good.
Dod you see that video Bob shared of him shooting himself in the junk?

Yeah, he was Cawthorning pretty hard there. Claims he did it to "own the libs", and that he would do it again.
by mithras March 16, 2021
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The act of voting out smug, obnoxious Republican member of Congress (I.e. Madison Cawthorn)
Dear Colorado, please make Lauren Boebert the next to be Cawthorned.
by ABG4President May 18, 2022
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When a political party mobilizes against a radical politician in its ranks who has angered the more moderate majority of the party. The accomplish this by leaking damaging information, such as lurid photos and videos, to the press with the goal of tanking that politician's career. Named after Madison Cawthorn, who had myriad lurid scandals in the wake of saying he witnessed his Republican colleagues attend "cocaine-fueled orgies."
Matt Gaetz Is getting Cawthorned after spearheading the movement to remove Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker. His colleagues are telling damaging and lurid stories about his behavior in Congress to the press.
by drums and hos October 5, 2023
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"Nekked" and dry humping your closest male cousin on video
Leaking sex tapes and claiming you're blackmailed
Trying to board a commercial flight with a gun
Did you hear Buck was Cawthorning at the Holiday Inn?
by LA Writer May 5, 2022
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Describes someone who lost at the polls
Hey mickey did you win? No I got Cawthorned.
by nightsmq May 23, 2022
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To dragflop nakedly up a person of the same sex (preferably cousin) and rape their mouth violently. Must say “ it was just for fun” immediately afterward to avoid it being gay.
He cawthorned that guy laying on the bed and almost forgot to say “it’s just for fun” before the other guy finished swallowing.
by Radicalwriter May 14, 2022
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