
Jack: I just made basketball shot from ten feet Drake: Mann, quit capping
by Addictively June 14, 2016
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Capping was a word used back in the late 80's early 90's that described a form of word battle. Saying someone's shoes were bought at K-Mart would be a form of capping. Basically it's a form of putting someones cloths or style down. It was common to hear someone say "ohhh you got capped on!"
"You must go to church allot with all them holes in your shoes!". The holes in the shoes meaning they looked holy. Someone else who heard the cap would say something like, "You just got capped on!". Capping was common with wannabe rappers
by oldDog45 December 17, 2017
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Just a random phrase that the iconic and stunning biological woman, Katya Zamolodchikova, invented on an episode of the YouTube series UNHhhh.
Tracy: Well, you’d have to remove the pencil eraser from your urethra. Katya: OOHHHH!! Capping! Capping! Tracy: That’s a thing? Katya: Let’s make it a thing! *thwoorp* Yes god! Tracy: *bird noises*
by Spina Bifida November 19, 2020
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The act of cussing someone out and/or yelling at that person online on a website forum or in an instant messenger.
Mark: HOW ABOUT YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I FUCK YOUR DOG? Tom: Why are you capping me? You're a jackass.
by YapmelkXela December 06, 2009
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Random girl comes on webcam to meet new people and is persuaded by random people (competing for points) to flash various body parts, not knowing that screen captures of video will surface on the world wide web within 30 seconds. The video will be traded on websites by hundreds of people and streamed. Videos are traded by collectors. Blackmailers get hold of the videos and information on the girls then hunt them and use the videos as leverage to get the girls under their control and command eg forced to do sex shows. Groups of heroes or 'white knights' who may also be paedophiles run around trying to save the girls from the blackmailing paedophiles. The Cappers and heroes fight to add the girls to their own collection. Source - the daily capper on u-tube for the week of August 15th 2010
The 2010 capper awards on you-tube granted awards to the cappers who captured the most screen shots of girls and to the most prolific sextortionist among those involved in capping.
by Disgusted by cappers October 25, 2012
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1. When someone writes in all capital letters. Usually used to yell on a facebook, myspace, twitter, (etc.), or even a text message. 2. Can also be used when laughin
Gabby: i heard you and that girl toya was beefin. BECKY: WHO YOU HEAR THAT FROM!!!! TELL ME NOW!!! Gabby: who you capping at. or Gabby: she was all mad cappin at me and shit Amber: WOW! LMAO!
by Bunny.DeF September 12, 2009
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The act of putting a new keg's cap in anothers beer thus causing said person to chug their beer.
Dat kewt gurl was goin round capping all dem people last night.
by carpetcleaner6969 September 19, 2011
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