Adhara is the sweetest girl you will ever meet, she's charming and pretty naughty when she is in the mood. She is a really feisty girl and can talk really loud. Adhara has a beautiful voice and can sing so so so amazing! She's a pretty girl that every boy falls for her always...even her cousins. She likes to eat a lot and when she's on her period just don't fuck with her cuz she can get pissed really easily. She is pretty mature and can be the best girlfriend ever but don't treat her like shit or else...
Adhara loves to travel and learn new languages. Very skilled girl with instruments and likes to compose her own songs.
Loves her family and protects all of her friends no matter the circumstances. She is a really good girl, yall are very lucky if your friends name is Adhara, keep her would not regret it.
Him: Omagaaa Adharaaaa you're the best!!!
Her: I know ;)
by ete kulo e natuRaL nou plasTik January 14, 2021
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A truly perfect friend that cares for you even tho you don't deserve it. She will love you even when you feel you shouldn't loved.
She's so perfect dude. Yep she's my Adhara.
by Chad-Ceywell August 14, 2017
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Really hot and smexy. Could totally be a model, any guy who gets her is super lucky to have her. Best person in the world.
Guy 1:Bruh did you see Adhara today?
Guy 2:Yeah man she's so hot.
by lolidekatthispoint October 9, 2019
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