1. meaning going to shoot someone
2. meaning honorable, trustworthy
3, gang related tattoo
t/n: kayla just got a tattoo that says 556!
y/n: realy? whats it mean?
t/n: well she got it from her gang to show she is honorable and trustworthy.
by that.bitch.makayla. February 26, 2022
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A new word made by me, a girl, who cheats on a guy, not once, but multiple times, typically more than five
Wow, she is a real 556
by Scottish guy March 15, 2019
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A massive chad located in the Philippines that has the biggest cock the world has seen.
Ur such a Ethan ChonkyDick 556
by Ethansucksdickie556 November 23, 2021
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When you accidentally fall asleep on your keyboard.
Person 1: Hey man, wake up.
Person 2: YBbJ8b78n b * II 556&^\gy5^ &u Y
Person 1: Oh, come on...
by Just some UrbanDictionary guy. October 27, 2020
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