The supposed "End of the World! OH NOES!!!!!" It is often said that the Mayans predicted the end, but this is in fact, absolute bullshit. The calender said to predict the end was actually just a calender that was used to predict sunrise each day. Secondly, whenever this calender ended, the world never ended, the Mayans just held a celebration and started a new one. And all other theories are also, You Guessed it!, bullshit. All of them weren't released until well after the theory of the world ending in 2012 was first conceived. What will happen in 2012, who knows? But it seems extremely likely that the world will not end.
Cornelius: "Did you hear the world is going to end in 2012?"

Me: *slaps across face*
by RampagingAcorn October 24, 2009
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supposedly, the end of the world (dec. 21 2012) also the best year ever. why? cuz everyone will party the SHIT out of 2012
(dec. 21 is my birthday)
X- yo, its 2012! AGGGGGHH!
Y- calm down lets just go get drunk all year
by dude-im-cool-43 July 8, 2010
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Some old bullshit lets look at the facts...
1.About the mayan calender? The mayans died out how the fuck would they be able to finish it, And look at this from USA today: Astronomers generally agree that “it would be impossible the Maya themselves would have known that” says Susan Milbrath, a Maya archaeoastronomer and a curator at the Florida Museum of Natural History. What’s more, she says, “we have no record or knowledge that they would think the world would come to an end at that point.”

2.Nostrodamus? People mix his words up to make him sound accurate, and take a look at this

3.Planet X polar shift? WTF this is stupid Nass says that it takes like 5,000 years for that to complete

4.The bible? No one pays attention to the many fake predictions of the bible like this one time in 2003 I was watching Unsolved Mysteries and it was talking about the bible and how it said in 2005/2006 there would be a war on U.S.A land

All info except the bible one from this site:
Idiots: Oh noez teh wurld is gun end in 2012
Me: Shut the fuck up you fucking retards do some research
by Sporelover8 September 20, 2008
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all the retards think that we are all going to die and the world is going to end. Mayans sure were pretty damn smart but a stupid calender would end soon so why does everyone think this. the suiciders the ones who are so crazy but don't want to kill themselves think this. do you even know who made this up it was a scientist or even someone who hasnt past college and a total pot head and retard. I know that we don't know everything but even scientist say that it will never happen. which is based on facts not opinions.
fucking retards: duuuh i love 2012

by redrum4uhalo October 8, 2009
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When your phone won't turn on and all that shows up is a white or black screen.
Person 1: Dude! My phone totally just went 2012 on me!
by Jenna and Annie December 8, 2010
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The day everyone thinks the world is going to end....I don't, I think the world could possibly end in couple hundred or thousand more years probably after the human race dies out, but just think... What if they guy who wrote the calenders woke up one day a thought his life sucked so he stopped writing calenders or he died...
What If? Calender-Man (morning after he finished the 2012 calender): *wakes up* "Yeah.. my life sucks, maybe I'll switch to mathimatics"
by Alex Acronym August 4, 2008
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The year in which we become gods; when consciousness sends out it's last intention of creation (it's actually in October of 2011 but there will be a different reality by 2012). It's the year when we become complete conscious co-creators of our very realities and experiences.

It's important to know that The Mayan Calendar was never keeping track of time as we know it; it was a meter for the evolution of consciousness across the span of this galaxy, and an instrument to help entrain into intuition and move out of the mind/ego.

To anyone reading this, the only thing you have to know is: what you put the focus of your attention on, you become conscious of; and what you become conscious of, you will manifest on a very literal scale. Kind of like a constant dream state that you're completely conscious of and have full control over.

Be in ethics -- compassionate, forthright, caring, loving, honest -- and an ethical reality will manifest. Be in fear, anger, propitiation, worry, dishonesty, prejudice, and your manifested reality is going to be a direct reflection of these emotions (and there will also be a big chance that you parrish/die).

There's absolutely nothing to worry about or do. Quite the contrary, we're headed towards an ethical utopia, where the limitations of the mind disappear, and time & space dissolve, leaving us with great freedom to do anything we want.

Worried stranger: The Mayan Calendar ends in 2012... we're all doomed!

Me: It's not about a particular date or event, it's about a period when our consciousness reaches it's full potential. Second of all, The newage Dreamspell Calendar is NOT The Mayan Calendar, and the world will NOT end... unless you want it to.
by Don Alenjandro Oxlaj March 17, 2009
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