Country domain suffix for websites based in Romania. Extremely sketch, lots of viruses and illegal porn, as the Romanian government does not properly police. Generally avoided by the computer literate, because the chance of getting a on virus of some kind on a single visit to any arbitrary .ru site is roughly 50/50.
scam: oh hello i give u freie enternet securiteee softwarez

me: yeahhhhh that's so .ru I don't even need to look at the URL

4chan: hey look kiddie porn
http (://) hellasketchurl (dot) ru (slash) fyourcompup
me: no. not with that URL. not even if I were pedobear and it was legal and god wouldn't kill a kitten.
by steven daedalus November 9, 2010
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Are you. Part of the movement to reduce unnecessary letters in words mostly brought about by texting. Can be use in either upper or lower case.
RU serious?
ru losing your mind?
by Tesaco October 30, 2011
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To hit a male penis against a willing participant in the temple
Tonight I am going to experience ruing for the first time
by RuKing March 21, 2019
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Holly:Yeah you know that Kris Died.
by ScreamSceneKing January 31, 2009
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Guy A: Yo dog this party is sick...!!!!
Guy B: Nah, this shit is RU!!!!
by shitisrudog October 17, 2009
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a person who is very gay and likes gay music.
why is he always listening to the firefly song in the bathroom?
-thats Ru Ru.
by ruru ringin February 11, 2010
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A versatile word that can be used in several situatons to mean several different things.
1. use it as you would any other cuss word i.e. Oh, ru! I forgot to bring that.
2. Use it to describe something totally awesome. i.e. that was so ru!
3. Russian
4. Raza Unida (Gang)
by VAKI5 November 1, 2003
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