earning money until you've got too much.
yo homedog-sliceface peepsaroo-dog biscuit with butter and a little silanchero! im just stackin da g's till da rubber band pops at my new job!
by Mr. Moose aka justin July 11, 2008
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The biggest scam-spam you'll find on this garbage website
Why You Should Wrap A Rubber Band Around Your Door
If you aren't doing this already, you should start.

Presented by Sogoodly
by ♥🗺☠ May 20, 2021
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The term Rubber Band Button is referring to;

A blown O-ring.

A worn out Butt hole.

A swollen sphincter wrinkle.
He pushed my Rubber Band Button for so long, it has completely lost all its elasticity, causing inconvenient leakage.
by Patty ManGlaze March 16, 2022
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The handicap given to CPUs in racing video games when one or more human players is ahead. This often plagues the less experienced human player, as they will be passed up by CPUs moving absurdly fast in an effort to maintain close proximity to the farther ahead human player.
Jordan is always so far ahead in Mario Kart that I need stars AND mushrooms just to match the speed that rubber-banding gives to the last place CPU.
by Zenothys February 16, 2022
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Thomas - “I have an inclosed porch
Samya - “Stop rubber-banding bro”
by justsomestudent February 3, 2021
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when a man brings a bag of rubber bands or silly bands with him on a date with a girl.
me, you, and a bag of rubber bands. sound like a date?
by tristan/joey February 9, 2023
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