Someone who is dayn and stalks people. He also has access to many account numbers and likes Anna Shackelford.
Dayn is a facebook stalker and loves anna shackelford.
by DaynTheStalker October 14, 2013
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An idiot that goes an looks for someone when they know exactly where they are at
My roommate stalker drove all over the city looking for me after I was MIA for 6 hours.
by February 5, 2023
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To be obsessed with an object of envy beyond all bounds of comfort or narmalcy. Being a freak and/or a social reject.
jenny: I'm Justin Timberlake's biggest fan.
John: Well you definitely show stalker-itude....
by lexn December 8, 2010
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someone who is your “best friend” but treats you like there wife/husband and it makes you feel really uncomfortable because you really DONT like them that way😳🤚
male- i care about you so so so much
female- stop riding my cock you stalker best friend
by totallynotcarrie April 30, 2020
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An absolute douchenozzle whom possesses the ability to know what you are about to think, before you think it yourself. They will always be a complete Harishan about it and deny you of your time of glory.
Bro: Dude, I literally just thought of the funniest joke ever!

Mind-Stalker: I know you did, and I didn't laugh.

Bro: o_O... what a mind-stalker of Harishan decendance.
by Southern Fried Chicken July 18, 2011
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A person who will stalk another person via social media and drive distances up to 1,000 miles to stalk the person at their workplace and home.
Do not talk to Susie because became a Jack-Stalker after billy broke up with her.
by Dr. Frederick Haynes CFN March 9, 2016
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Somebody who physically or digitally stalks a target as well as their friends and/or family members.
My sister's ex is such an umbrella stalker. He stalks her and her best friend. He used three different names to try friending and messaging me on Facebook.
by Atherton Wing September 24, 2020
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